Sunday, September 16, 2007

Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo

After spending some time at Amy and Jason's place, it was time to move south.
We stopped in Santa Cruz where Kiri lives.
These pictures are taken at a lounge bar where we had dinner and a few beers/drinks.
Surfin' USA!
Bad Ass coffee. A coffee shop with a Hawaiian theme.
The following day, we drove down the coats towards Kristin's mom. We stopped for brunch in this beautiful little town.
Again, the weather was super nice, and it felt plain wrong to see Halloween items in the windows and still be able to wear summer clothes.
Brunch, notice all the air force guys in the back.
The view from my side of the table was equally amazing.
The drive down the coast offered some spectacular views, here is a few of them.

The colors were amazing.

One of the many beaches, where we took a small break from driving.

Driving through mountains will take its time, especially if you end up behind a slow RV.

Out of the mountains, and it was possible to drive faster than 30 mph. again.

Artistic photography.
Later that night, we were lucky enough to be invited to Bob's party at his Riders club.
The party was in a barn, we had barbecued oysters as an appetizer and all kinds of delicious snacks.
Dinner was at all these tables in the barn, with red/white checkered table-cloths. It was perfect.
Kristin and I on one side of the table, with Bob and Cathi on the other. Cathi is Kristin's mom, and Bob is her friend.
For a desert, we had this GIANT cake. The taste was as amazing as the size of it.

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