Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jerry's and Mendocino.

A few deer grazing in front of Jerry's house.
Jerry and Kristin.
Kristin and I.
Western-style Saloon. This is the hotel in Mendocino.
The view from the city.
The weather was beautiful, and so were the people.
It's a Darwin Fish!
And a Jesus fish.
Lunch at the Mendocino Cafe.
A small park between the town and the ocean.
Mendocino from afar.
The beautiful view of the ocean.
As close as i dared to the edge of the cliff.
The drive back.
We stopped for an ice cream in Point Arena.
More driving.
Guess who was in the back seat!
One of the many stretches through a bit of forest.
Collin's Landing. The road leading to Jerry's house.
Small, bumpy and made of gravel. Hang on to your hats and glasses folks!
You really have to take a lot of steps back to get a view of the house. IT IS HUUUGE!
The main entrance. And a look at our fierce Hyundai Accent!
Jerry has flowers and all kinds of plants on his deck.
More deer! (Jerry asked if we could run a few over in our car since they are eating his vegetables).
On my way into the hot tub. in California is rough.

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