Friday, September 7, 2007

San Francisco

While Kristin was working hard doing interviews, John and I decided to go visit the local lake for some canoing.
We pulled over for some lunch in the shadow of some big trees.
After Kristin's interviews were done, we took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) from Castro Valley to San Francisco.
First thing off the BART is a view of one of the beautiful old cable cars, even though I took the picture of the man with the "Jesus Christ loves you" sign. We don't get that a lot in Denmark.
Meeting up with Kristin, having some nice dinner at an Italian restaurant called "Scala".
The hotel next to the restaurant had a guy dressed up welcoming people.
Walking from the friendly Beefeater towards our future home. Ever heard of San Francisco and its hills? It is a little more than you would encounter in Denmark :)
View of the city from one of the cross streets.
After having seen the studio we are going to be living in from October 1st, we went across the street to a restaurant/cafe on the 19th floor of a hotel. The view was spectacular.
Live music at the restaurant, jazz/swing.
Kristin after 5 interviews and some wine was starting to feel worn.
John and Joellen enjoying the music.
View from the other side of the restaurant.

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